customized and affordable solutions

Cybersecurity Services

Defensor Solutions provides services to meet your individual needs.  Small and remote facilities face a different threat and risk proposal than large metropolitan facilities.  We offer tailored services based on industry best practices and national standards to improve your cybersecurity posture.  

If you are in need of assistance, our solutions providers have years of experience in both the traditional information technology and operational technology realms.  They can help bridge the gaps between the two philosophies and provide knowledge and guidance to set your organization up for success.  

Customized Services


Cybersecurity assessments are increasingly required by state and federal regulation.  We can provide baseline assessments to meet regulatory requirements or recurring assessments to show improvement against industry standards and best practices.


With over 25 years’ experience in both the information and operational technology fields, Defensor can assist in developing the strategic plans, processes and procedures to improve your security posture.  

Contact us for assistance in any area.  If we don’t provide the tools or services needed, we have a large network of partners.  Our acquisition experts can help you navigate the procurement process to find the right tools and services to set you up for success.

network scanning

Determining vulnerabilities within your existing systems architecture is a key component for determining risk mitigation.  Our technical resources can configure scans of both the business and industrial control system networks to pinpoint weak points and system vulnerabilities that would otherwise go unnoticed.  Depending on the network architecture, scans can be conducted either on location or remotely.  These can be set up as a one-time baseline activity or on a recurring basis to continually update configurations and patch levels.   

Need to simplify cybersecurity? We can help.